BRUCE-TL (Brucellosis Reduction Using Codesign Elements in Timor-Leste) is a One Health project which involves partnering with the government and local communities to identify and implement candidate strategies for brucellosis control, with continual refinements to improve its effectiveness. It will strengthen the government and local community’s ability to respond to bovine brucellosis which has an impact on human health, animal health, livelihoods and food security.
Tackling the issue of brucellosis control from a One Health perspective, and articulating both the risk to cattle and the potential for disease impact in humans helps with a better coordinated response. There will also be opportunity for strengthening laboratory capacity to conduct brucellosis serology in both the National Health Laboratory and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Timor-Leste.
The aims of the project are to:
- identify risky practices associated with bovine and zoonotic brucellosis transmission
- facilitate implementation of evidence-based brucellosis control measures in Timor-Leste using a participatory co-design process
- improve One Health collaboration on brucellosis and use this as a potential case example for tackling other One Health issues.
Chief Investigators:
- Associate Professor Joshua Francis
- Dr Abrao Pereira
- Dr Tamsin Barnes
- Dr Paul Arkell
- Tessa Oakley
- Steven Davis
- Dr Joanne Millar
- Dr Rod Givney
- Lucsendar Alves
- Dr Winnie Chen
- Dr Joanita Jong
- Dr Feliciano da Conceicao
- Dr Olavio Morais
- Dr Merita Monteiro
- Dr Ari Tilman
- Dr Alipio de Almeida
- Associate Professor Navneet Dhand
- Dr Vidya Bhardwaj
- Dr Richard Copland
Project Dates:
- The project commenced in January 2023 and is due for completion in December 2025.
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
- International Development Research Centre
- Timor-Leste Ministry of Health
- Timor-Leste Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
- National Health Laboratory
- Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
- Berrimah Veterinary Laboratory
- Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Agriculture Victoria
Sidadaun Na’in Sanulu Resin Tolu iha Bobonaru Pozitivu Virus Brucellosis
Brucellosis Reduction Using Co-Design Elements (BRUCE-TL) Municipal Workshop 28 th May 2024
Brucellosis Reduction Using Co-design Elements (BRUCE-TL) National Workshop 23 rd May 2024
Menzies Ho Parseiru Nasional Internasional Realiza Seminariu Nasional Konaba Moras Brucellosis
Karau vaka iha Maliana ameasadu husi moras Brucellosis
KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA | Lansamentu aprosimasaun One-Health hodi kontrola Brucelosis iha Timor-Leste
Projetu foun ida atu rezolve brucelose - moras ida ne'ebé bele hadaet entre animál no ema - ofisialmente lansa ona iha Timor-Leste ohin loron.
MEDIA RELEASE | One-Health approach to control brucellosis launched in Timor-Leste
A new project to tackle brucellosis – a disease that can spread between animals and people - has officially launched in Timor-Leste.
Combating brucellosis transmission in Timor-Leste
A new ACIAR-supported project in Timor-Leste aims to identify risk factors and reduce transmission of brucellosis, a zoonotic disease impacting cattle and humans.