Following on from the 2019 event, the Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) Youth Health Summit 2021 (YHS21) engaged young people in conversations about what is important for youth health in the Northern Territory (NT) and discussed solutions for a better future. Thirty-eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous young people aged 16-25 years were involved in consultations, podcasts, panel discussions or workshop sessions throughout the summit.
Over 70 young people and service providers attended the online Youth Health Summit held on 27 August. In response to a snap COVID lockdown, the activities were shifted online and a podcast series ‘Youth Choices! Youth Voices!’ was developed.
The Menzies YHS21 provided an opportunity for young people, researchers, policymakers, service providers and other key stakeholders to learn better ways of engaging with young people, and to co-create research priorities and solutions for youth health and wellbeing in the NT.
To view the YHS21 program click here.
- We asked young people what health priorities were most important to them in individual consultations and workshops. The priorities identified were mental health, sexual health, access to health services and the environment, which were the same priorities identified in 2019.
- Across all priorities the importance of young people being supported by informed, engaged and skilled health workers, teachers, support people and parents was prominent.
- Young people passionately stated their views and identified clear solutions. They provided a suite of solutions and possess a powerhouse of knowledge and drive for a better future.
- On 6 October, the Menzies YHS21 youth subcommittee members visited Parliament House and met with Minister Moss – Minister for Education, Children, Youth, Seniors and Women and Minister Lawler – Minster for Infrastructure, Environment, Water and Climate to discuss the health priorities and solutions identified throughout the Youth Health Summit.
- A network of young people and service providers has been established, aiming to address the priorities identified. Future events and opportunities will be created to promote networking of this group. Several project connections have been made with initial meetings about potential collaborations underway. The Summit findings have been used to inform further consultation being planned with young people and will be considered for inclusion in the Youth Friendly Health Services guidelines being developed by NT Health.
- A series of 15 podcasts have been developed and distributed involving young people, health experts, researchers and elders who discussed issues affecting young people in the NT and their hopes for a better future. In the first month, there were over 210 streams and views with over 12 hours in watch time recorded. Podcasts are available on; YouTube- Northern Territory Youth Health Summit 2021 - YouTube and Spotify 'Youth Choices! Youth Voices!' the Northern Territory Youth Health Summit 2021 | Podcast on Spotify.
- We look forward to providing further updates and outcomes.