COVID-19 vaccine Q and A in Kunwinjku: what will happen when I get the vaccine?

COVID-19 vaccine Q and A in Kunwinjku: what will happen when I get the vaccine? Associate Professor Dr Jane Davies, Menzies School of Health Research answers questions from Jeanette Burrunali and Jill Nganjmirra from the Bininj Kunwok Regional Language Centre. 

Dr Jane Davies is an infectious diseases specialist at Royal Darwin Hospital and a researcher at Menzies.

COVID-19 vaccine Q and A in Kunwinjku: what will happen when I get the vaccine?
Resource Type
Video/DVD and Audio
  • Jeanette Burrunali
  • Jill Nganjmirra
  • Jane Davies
  • Vicki Kerrigan
  • Paul Lawton
  • Cheryl Ross
  • Anna Ralph
  • Will Tinapple
Families and Communities
Research Area
COVID-19 (click to see resources in this area)