Menzies is working with the Timor-Leste Government and its partners to strengthen the country’s ability to respond to outbreaks of infectious disease.
The projects are designed to build capacity in clinical, surveillance and laboratory settings, while emphasising the importance of the health system working together to improve the response to infectious disease with both individual patients and the public.
With the support of the Fleming Fund Country Grant, Menzies has adapted its work to include a One Health approach, supporting human health and animal health, to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance in Timor-Leste.
Dr Josh Francis said bacteria resistant to antibiotics used in Timor-Leste already exist in the environment and they impact the health of both humans and animals.
“By using a One Health approach, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries are working to understand the real situation of antimicrobial resistance in Timor-Leste and therefore respond to it in a way that ensures Timorese people get access to the right treatment for serious infections,” Dr Francis said.
Since 2020, the work of the STRONG TL project has expanded significantly to include major support for the response to COVID-19 in Timor-Leste, including training and technical assistance to ensure that testing for COVID-19 could happen in Timor-Leste, safely, credibly, and efficiently.
Executive director of Timor-Leste’s National Health Laboratory, Endang Soares da Silva, said the partnership between NHL and Menzies has helped NHL to enhance its ability to conduct diagnostic microbiology tests, clinical diagnostics, and surveillance for various infectious diseases.
“With the support of Menzies, NHL has made great progress that is highlighted through our technical staff,” Ms Soares da Silva said.
Working with the NHL and the MOH as well as the Australian National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, Menzies is also implementing projects looking at the epidemiology of COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable diseases by conducting serological surveillance in Timor-Leste.
Menzies continues to work closely with the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Instituto Nacional de Saúde to provide technical support in strengthening health systems in Timor-Leste.
These projects are funded by UKaid, Fleming Fund Country Grant to Timor-Leste, Australian Regional Immunisation Alliance and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.