Mana Virginia de Lourdes da Conceição also known as Lulu-Laluna is a principal laboratory scientist based at the National Health Laboratory (NHL) in Timor-Leste.

Lulu is from Lautem Municipality and was born in Dili. She has a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology from Centro Escolar University in Manila, Philippines in 2015.

She has been in love with this profession since she worked as volunteer student at Bairro-Pite Clinic as a laboratory technician from December 2005 to December 2009. Bairro-Pite clinic is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation established in 1999 in Dili to provide free healthcare in the community. Since 2015, she has worked at NHL as a medical laboratory scientist.

Lulu joined Menzies Timor-Leste in 2019, where she supports and supervises Menzies work within NHL, coordinating NHL’s involvement in STRONG TL and Fleming Fund Country Grant to Timor-Leste related projects.

“I contribute to data collection, addressing quality control issues, assisting with the development of guidelines and protocols, as well as supporting capacity building and training laboratory scientists within the NHL,” Lulu said.

Lulu enjoys working with Menzies because she can learn (from bench work to research), directly apply what she learns and be innovative in the lab.

“What I like most about my work is bench work (laboratory testing at the bench) and research lab work. Doing bench work is a passion to me. Plate reading is also enjoyable despite it being a challenge,” she said.

Her role also includes supporting capacity building and training laboratory scientists within the NHL, and she faces some challenges during her work.

“The challenge is to bring everyone in one direction when supporting capacity building and training laboratory scientists within the NHL,” she said.

However, she always remembers the motivational quotes that she has chosen for herself: “may your trials end in full bloom: though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous,” by Suga, Bangtan Boys.

Lulu’s next goal, using the experience and knowledge she has learned during her work, is to become a microbiologist.