The 2019 recipient of the Harry Christian Giese Research into Action Award, Dr Nicholas Fancourt, is a paediatrician with degrees in medicine and bioethics, and a PhD in heatlh systems which was achieved while an International Fulbright Science and Technology Fellow at Johns Hopkins University.

In Timor-Leste, 722 kilometres from Darwin, child malnutrition rates are among the highest in the world. Here, Dr Fancourt leads a team that aims to improve outcomes for children hospitalised not only for malnutrition, but also for pneumonia.

The research project Pulmao Saudavel (Healthy Lung) is identifying different features of pneumonia between children who are malnourished and those who aren’t. Information gathered on clinical findings, demographics, feeding practices, risk factors and food security will underpin a vaccination program.

The award will support a nutrition worker to lead an education program to better understand the social and cultural drivers of malnutrition, the experience of hospital care and perceived barriers to recovery. In addition, it will fund the design, manufacture and printing of resources such as interactive games, flip charts and toys focused on healthy infant feeding practices, in collaboration with other stakeholders such as UNICEF and World Vision.

Menzies has strong relationships in Timor-Leste, including a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health. Joint work is continuing at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV), the national referral hospital in Dili, as well as community health facilities and the National Health Laboratory.

Harry Giese AM MBE (1913-2000) was a community leader and administrator who played a key role in the establishment of the Menzies as the first faculty of the Northern Territory University. He and colleagues brought together as stakeholders the NT government, the University of Sydney and the Menzies Foundation, to set up the School.

During the late 1970s to the 1990s, Giese served on the Board and National Executive of the Menzies Foundation. This Award recognises his outstanding contribution to the development of health and education in northern Australia.