To recognise Mental Health Awareness month in October, we celebrated the next phase of the AIMhi for Youth Project through a launch event at Parliament House in Darwin.
The next phase of the project is supported by a grant from the Australian Government and will see the AIMhi for Youth app used across health services in the Northern Territory and South Australia to support young people’s mental health.
Designed in collaboration with Elders, health professionals and young people, the app aims to support the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people through a fun, engaging, educational app which integrates mental health treatment.
At the event, we were delighted to be joined by the Northern Territory Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Minister for Youth, the Honourable Lauren Moss MLA, community stakeholders and supporters to celebrate the project launch.
Find out more about the Aboriginal and Islander Mental Health Initiative for Youth (AIMhi-Y) project.
Image 1: Menzies-Ramaciotti undergraduate student, Jayde Hopkins, Menzies-Ramaciotti student, Henrique Thomas, Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Minister for Youth, the Honourable Lauren Moss MLA and AIMhi for Youth Project Co-ordinator, Josie Povey.
Image 2: Key stakeholders and young people at the AIMhi for Youth Project event at Parliament House.
Image 3: Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre and Biyamarr ma students using the AIMhi-Y app.