The launch of the second ‘Story of our Children and Young People’ report (The Story) was held at Parliament House on 25 October 2021.
The Story, prepared by Menzies in collaboration with the NT Government, provides a comprehensive picture of the state of health and wellbeing of Northern Territory (NT) children and young people.
The Story is a study of key indicators grouped across six domains: being valued, loved and safe; having material basics; being healthy; learning; participating; and having a positive sense of identity.
The Story content is guided by an independent Editorial Committee and spans the NT’s six government regions: Greater Darwin, Top End, East Arnhem, Big Rivers, Barkly; and Central Australia.
The 2021 Story builds on the first report in 2019 which was also prepared by Menzies and was a recommendation of the NT Government’s 2017 Early Childhood Development Plan. The Story has been developed to provide information at local level to inform local services for children and young people.
The trend data suggests a decline in some indicators measured in 2019, however, caution is required when making comparison over a short period and using only two data points. Trend data using multiple data points provides a more reliable assessment of change.
Menzies Professor Steven Guthridge said together with the NT Government and the members of the Editorial Committee, the Menzies team has developed a comprehensive resource with information across key areas of wellbeing for children and young people.
“The Story builds on the 2019 edition with the development of an online data platform which makes available further information by region, sub-region and Aboriginal status, to support easier access to important data for our children and young people,” Prof Guthridge said.
The Story will be reviewed and updated in 2023. Read The Story here.
Photo: (L-R) Editorial Committee Chairperson Peter Pangquee, Minister for Children Lauren Moss, Menzies Child Development Professor Steven Guthridge, Editorial Committee Member John Guenther.