Northern Territory (NT) Minister for Health Natasha Fyles visited Menzies in November to officially launch a new mobile phone app which makes it easier for First Nations people to access mental health and wellbeing support.

The Aboriginal and Islander Mental health initiative (AIMhi) Stay Strong app is a colourful, user-friendly digital mental health tool developed by Menzies with Australian First Nations people.

The app incorporates Pitjantjatjara language and Aboriginal English with plans to include other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

AIMhi Stay Strong supports service providers to have wellbeing conversations with First Nations people in primary care and specialist settings.

The development of the app has been supported by INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG joint venture through their community investment funding program.

Professor Tricia Nagel, Head of Wellbeing Preventable and Chronic Diseases Division at Menzies, says the AIMhi Stay Strong team is excited to be launching the phone app version of this simple and practical self-management care planning tool that began with Aboriginal Mental Health Workers in the NT more than a decade ago.

“The phone app will make the AIMhi Stay Strong approach even more accessible, putting help easily within reach, this tool and the holistic strengths-based approach it brings to mental health is in use in lots of different services across Australia,” Prof Nagel said.

“Our many training workshops across Australia tell us that people value what it brings as one of the few tools that can easily bridge the communication divide between First Nations people and wellbeing care providers.”

NT Health Minister Natasha Fyles says that the Territory Labor Government is proud to work with stakeholders including Menzies to improve health outcomes for First Nations people.

“The AlMhi Stay Strong app is a useful tool which helps make vital health information more accessible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” NT Health Minister Natasha Fyles said.

INPEX Vice President Corporate Coordination Bill Townsend says INPEX is proud to help support the development of such a valuable tool that will be used widely in communities.

 “The health and wellbeing of our communities is a priority especially during these uncertain COVID-19 times. It is a privilege to work with Menzies on the Stay Strong app project that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” Mr Townsend said.

The app, currently available to download for free on Apple and Android tablets, is already being used by a range of social and emotional wellbeing, alcohol and other drug, youth and forensic mental health services across Australia.

For more information about the AIMhi Stay Strong projects visit

Download the app for Android devices here or for iOS devices here.