  • To design and implement a pilot of the Be You mental health and education program that is culturally appropriate, relevant and responsive to local and cultural needs of the project’s target communities within the Kimberley and Pilbara regions to create healthy learning communities.
  • To evaluate the relevance, cultural appropriateness and acceptability of the place-based Be You PK pilot among local community stakeholders, namely educators, and determine its feasibility for ongoing sustained locally-led implementation post-project period.

Participatory Action Research and Developmental Evaluation methods are drawn upon to enable greater levels of co-design and co-creation among key stakeholders within the BYPK Evaluation Project.

  • To gain a practical understanding of how to effectively design and implement a place-based model of Be You which is relevant, culturally appropriate and acceptable to Aboriginal communities in the target project area within the Kimberley and Pilbara regions through a journey of co-design among the project stakeholders,
  • To develop social and emotional cultural wellbeing and mental health approach that is culturally safe, appropriate and acceptable for the PK Project targeted audience, the educators, and for the beneficiaries, the students;
  • To develop a place-based model framework including project logic that can be translated and adapted into different community settings for future Be You implementation projects supported by Beyond Blue
  • To determine Beyond Blue’s capability to deliver future place-based models of Be You that can be delivered flexibly, both inside and outside the school environment, for and with diverse communities in local community settings.

Be You is a national mental health initiative for educators which aims to promote positive mental health in children and young people in every learning service and school in Australia.

In response to multiple suicide events in Western Australia, the Federal Government announced new funding for suicide prevention specific programs targeting Indigenous youth in the Western Australia Kimberley Pilbara region. Beyond Blue was awarded a grant to fund a place-based mental health education program in the Kimberley and Pilbara region from March 2019 to February 2021.

Designed as an extension of Be You, the Kimberley and Pilbara Project is modelled as a specific place-based mental health education program developed in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities with the aim of closing the gap on Indigenous youth suicide. Beyond Blue have engaged local Aboriginal Medical Services in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions to co-design a Be You pilot with educators that is culturally responsive.

The BYPK project is currently focused on engaging with communities by working with schools and educators to develop a placed based model of the program. The project aims to enhance and strengthen links between schools, community, and health services in relation to suicide prevention, social and emotional wellbeing, and mental health service delivery.

Menzies School of Health Research in collaboration with multiple WA research partners are the evaluation partners. The research approach draws upon Participatory Action Research and Developmental Evaluation methodologies to support the project goals of co-design, co-creation and tailoring resources to local contexts.

Chief investigator:
Project manager:
  • Dr Daile Rung
Contact information:

For further information, contact Dr Daile Rung via email or phone (08) 8946 8663.

Project dates:
  • The project commenced in February 2020 and is due for completion in February 2021.