We are delighted to announce that Menzies’ Kick-start a Champion for Change Indigenous Traineeship Appeal, launched in November last year has successfully raised $30 000. Menzies will make an additional contribution to this, having committed to matching dollar for dollar up to $15 000 to the appeal.

This fantastic result has allowed us to broaden the experience and opportunities offered under the Indigenous traineeship program such as supporting the successful candidate in participating in remote school visits, attending an Indigenous/child health specific conference and other training workshops and professional development opportunities. 

The development of a strong Indigenous health workforce is inextricably linked to sustainable advances in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, with these professionals facing fewer cultural barriers in the provision of health services, resulting in far better health care outcomes.

Menzies would like to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful supporters who have gave so generously to this important Indigenous capacity building program. Your contribution is deeply appreciated.

Supported by GTNT