The purpose of this project is to develop a scalable place-based framework for monitoring and evaluating Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) and other alcohol initiatives in the NT. The Framework will provide a sustainable model for collecting, analysing and reporting data at community, regional and jurisdictional levels. It will include: the compilation of administrative datasets for quantitative analysis; the development of reporting formats that are meaningful for local communities; and a strong qualitative component to identify locally relevant community indicators and to develop systems and guidelines to assist communities to evaluate their own AMPs.
This project will identify indicators for assessing alcohol-related harm in communities and develop meaningful ways of collecting and reporting on indicators to remote communities. Key outcomes include:
- Communities receive administrative data reports relevant to their AMP every six months in a form appropriate to their community;
- Communities provided with tools for collecting local data through which they can monitor and evaluate their AMP on six monthly basis;
- Communities’ capacity to monitor and evaluate AMPs is increased;
- General community capacity increased due to community involvement in research, monitoring and evaluation processes;
- Alcohol harm reduced due to better AMP monitoring and evaluation.