
Australian partners
Menzies School of Health Research Darwin

Lead organisation; Medical research institute

Burnet Institute Melbourne Consortium partner; Medical research institute; International development organisation
Queensland Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory (QMRL) Brisbane Supranational reference laboratory for TB including for PNG providing capacity development in WGS
International partners: 
Papuan Health and Community Development Foundation Non-Government Organisation Papua, Indonesia Delivery of field activities for TB and malaria systems strengthening in Papua
Rumah Sakit Mitra Masyarakat Health services Papua, Indonesia Will participate in the adherence interventions and surveillance of impact 
Mimika District Health Authority Government Papua, Indonesia The DHO will work in community health systems strengthening in Papua
Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology Research institute Jakarta, Indonesia Undertake the molecular analysis of TB and malaria in Indonesia
Gadjah Mada University University Yogyakarta, Indonesia The university provides supervision and training for TB activities in eastern Indonesia
National Department of Health Government Papua New Guinea Stewardship of MDR-TB response in PNG providing knowledge dissemination and policy translation
Western Province Health Office Government Papua New Guinea Stewardship of Daru TB program, capacity building, community engagement and systems strengthening
Central Public Health Laboratory Government Papua New Guinea Provide laboratory diagnostics, national surveillance for TB and collaborate with QMRL
Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp University Antwerp, Belgium Medical Anthropology Unit (Al Peeters) will help to design, implement and analyse the mixed methods in Papua
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Research institute Cambridge, United Kingdom Design and analysis of amplicon sequencing of P.falciparium and P.vivax
Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Non-Government Organisation Singapore Wider community engagement and dissemination of malarial activities
WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network University Oxford, United Kingdom Geospatial mapping / online presentation of molecular markers of antimalarial drug resistance