Media Release | Study highlights pathways to school success
The study offers valuable insights into how foundational skills for life and learning contribute to successful school participation and subsequent academic achievement; and provokes a reset on prioritising social, emotional, and cognitive skills necessary for learning in the complex and dynamic environment of the Northern Territory.
Study highlights dimensions of resilience among remote Aboriginal middle school students
More than 1000 students and teachers from remote Northern Territory (NT) schools have assisted in implementing the Skills for Life resilience program with results now published in the highly regarded multidisciplinary journal PLOS ONE.
There are 3 new Closing the Gap education targets: here's what they miss
At Menzies and CDU we have been looking at what happens to Indigenous students in the NT as they move through school.
Strengthening family relationships through play
Local Aboriginal implementation officers are delivering an innovative variation of the Play to Connect parenting program in Wurrumiyanga, Tiwi Islands to support families through learning and play. The Menzies Play to Connect team works with parents and...
Nine News: Menzies awarded a $1.8m tender
To evaluate a nurse home visiting program for mothers to run right across the Territory.
NTG Media Release | Investing in Our Children: MECSH Program Evaluation
The Menzies School of Health Research won the tender to evaluate the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-Visiting (MECSH) program.