Please use this local HREC Application Form if submitting only to this HREC. You may use the NHMRC HREA form or online HREA if submitting to more than one HREC. Please refer to the separate instructions relating to use of the HREA form.

You are required to email the Ethics Secretariat two weeks prior to close off of your intention to lodge an application for ethics review. Your email notification will ensure that your application is logged as an agenda item. Notification should consist of the title of the project and the name of the Principal Investigator.

This Committee does not grant retrospective ethics approval. Please ensure that the commencement dates and timeline are correct prior to submission. Please allow sufficient time to complete this application. Use the Ethics Application Checklist to ensure that you have completed all the requirements for your application and that you have included all the relevant supporting documents.


  1. NT HREC Application Form

    NT HREC Application Form

    NTHREC Application Form Nov 2023.docx