Selected publications 2016:
  1. Binks.., M.J., Smith-Vaughan, H,C., Marsh, R., Chang, A.B. & Andrews, R.M. (2016). Cord blood vitamin D and the risk of acute lower respiratory infection in Indigenous infants in the Northern Territory. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(6),238.
  2. Chang, A.B., Oppenheimer, J.J., Weinberger, M., Rubin, B.K. & Irwin, R.S. (2016). Children With Chronic Wet or Productive Cough-Treatment and Investigations: A Systematic Review. Chest ,149(1),120-142.
  3. Chang, A.B., Oppenheimer, J.J., Weinberger, M., Weir, K., Rubin, B.K. & Irwin, R.S. (2016). Use of Management Pathways or Algorithms in Children With Chronic Cough: Systematic Reviews. Chest, 149(1), 106-119.
  4. Chang, A.B., Upham, J.W., Masters, I.B., Redding, G.R., Gibson, P.G., Marchant, J.M. & Grimwood, K. (2016). Protracted bacterial bronchitis: The last decade and the road ahead. Paediatric Pulmonology, 51(3),225-242.
  5. Hodge, S., Upham, J.W., Pizzutto, S., Petsky, H.L., Yerkovich, S., Baines, K.J., et al. (2016). Is Alveolar Macrophage Phagocytic Dysfunction in Children With Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis a Forerunner to Bronchiectasis? Chest, 149(2), 508-515.
  6. Pizzutto, S.J., Upham,J.W., Yerkovich, S.T. & Chang, A.B. (2016). Inhaled non-steroid anti-inflammatories for children and adults with bronchiectasis. Cochrane Database Systematic Review 1: CD007525.
  1. List of publications 2015

    List of publications 2015

  2. List of publications 2014

    List of publications 2014

  3. List of publications 2013

    List of publications 2013